Monday 27 November 2006

Pushing his luck

The first time I watched this I didn't want to look just in case the inevitable happened but this is one little monkey that just about got away with it this time...

Where no man has been before...

and is never likely to go again...

There are some place we strive to reach and others we just get to go there because they are on the way and occassionally there are places we get that we should never have been and this is one of them.


Parking madness

It started out so innocently and a simple sorry is all that was needed but instead it just grew out of all proportion. Take it from me if you ever bump into someone just say sorry, it is so much easier...

Fred flinstones new car...

Hey this cars got no driver but it has the same engine as Fred and Wilma's flint mobile...

A smack in the teeth is worth a laugh

Beware a yoyo is a dangerous tool in the wrong hands

What olds do for some fun...

You wouldn't want to meet thes bored oldies on a dark night let alone in broad daylight and teh open road.

Photo copying seemed a good idea at the time...

the best ideas always seem to come on the spur of the moment, ever been bored whilst photocopying and thought what if...


Funny Cats

Cat making thier own fun, guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


I love mama

Talking dogs, you wont be able to stop yourself laughing...

Cats and Dogs

A dog just can't any rest with a cat round, a very funny video.